The Most Important Tool for Virus Survival

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Woman sick with flu, needs help surviving viruses in the apocalypse

In a post-apocalyptic world or disaster situation, there are many threats that can take you out, other than the most obvious and visible ones. While you may be preoccupied with the zombies roaming the street outside, silent killers like influenza and meningitis can make their way into your camp, wiping out your entire party. Surviving viruses during the apocalypse is no easy task, and in order to do it, there are numerous steps you should be taking while you still can.

First of all, it is important to dispel any misconceptions you may have about viruses now, since you won’t have much time or adequate resources to research it later. Brush up on your medical knowledge and study the symptoms and treatments of common viruses you may encounter in a survival situation. The old saying “feed a cold, starve a fever” has been tossed around for years, and this is terrible advice to take in a survival situation. There is absolutely nothing healthy about starvation. Your body needs the energy to put up a fight, which means eating extra calories, resting, and drinking plenty of fluids. Doctors typically prescribe this as the best treatment for viral infections such as a cold, flu, and even the coronavirus. Gather nutrient-packed food and clean water for yourself or your feverish friend, and ensure there is a safe place to rest and fend off the illness.

Drugs have a limited scope when it comes to treating viral infections, but it is still important to have them on hand. The focus on most virus treatments should be managing symptoms and weathering the storm. Adding pain relievers and other symptom management medication to your stockpile is always a good idea. There are some drug treatments which are very effective for viruses, including hepatitis and HIV, and it is important to also have these one hand as well. Antiretroviral drugs have drastically shifted the fates of people with HIV from imminent death to the chronic condition it now is, and they could end up saving your life in a survival situation.

There are mixed reviews about the antiviral drug, Tamiflu, and you might find it helpful to keep on hand as well. It is an FDA-approved treatment for seasonal flu and has garnered both praise and criticism since its debut in 1999. At first, it was dubbed a wonder-drug – the long-awaited treatment for the seasonal flu. Though several clinical trials showed its safety and efficacy, recent data reviews have suggested that the benefits of Tamiflu may have been overplayed and that the risks of taking the drug were underestimated. This casts doubt on its clinical utility and makes it difficult to endorse under ominous conditions (although if it’s available and the situation is dire, then what do you have to lose?).

Coronavirus disease outbreak alert

Unfortunately, adequate rest, proper nutrition, potable water, and medications will probably be hard to come by in a day-to-day struggle for survival. If you are an excellent prepper, you may find yourself with all of these necessities and more. But even so, anything can happen in a survival situation. What happens if your stockpile is destroyed by a flood or looting? What happens if you are on the run and don’t have time for rest and nutrition? Fortunately, most viral infections are self-limiting; that is, they go away over time. But, if you’re unlucky enough to catch a virus looking for a long-term lease (say, measles, rabies, or Ebola), that’s another story.

The best advice we can give you for surviving viruses in the apocalypse is to secure yourself biologically, by staying up to date on vaccinations. A traditional schedule will cover the most common killers, and additional shots can provide added security in particular regions or environments (e.g., against cholera or plague). Check out the CDC’s website for a list of vaccinations you should be up to date on.

Check out our Survival 101 page for other tips and tricks on prepping and survival skills!


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