Emergency Preparedness: 9 Basic Measures

As a survivalist, it is your responsibility to make emergency preparedness a priority.

One could say that society is in a sad state of affairs when it comes to emergency preparedness and survival skills. The safety nets of modern civilization have allowed us to cast away our self-sufficiency, and the skills we learned in the Stone Age have wasted away over 40,000 years of dormancy. There’s no need to focus our valuable energy on spear sharpening and cave painting when there’s free trade coffee to grind and social media profiles to update. Even until recently, most people knew how to use a compass or change a flat tire. Now, it’s just a matter of pushing the OnStar button or calling the AAA to bail out your breakdown. This trend toward interdependence is staggering and most people are not prepared for even a basic emergency, let alone a full-on survivalist situation. A 2012 Adelphi University study found that most people were completely failing at these 9 top emergency preparedness measures:

First Aid Kits

44% of people surveyed didn’t have first-aid kits. This is a quick and simple purchase that could literally be done during your next grocery trip to Walmart, and often comes in handy even for every days bumps and scrapes. Check it out – easy, cheap, and fast. No excuses people!

Emergency Supplies

48% of people surveyed lacked emergency supplies. Candles, toilet paper, a spare tire- this one is tricky as it can encompass many different things. Look through the rest of this list and then consider what other every day items you use and will need in an emergency situation (notice I said need, not want).

3 Day Supply of Food and Water

53% of people surveyed did not have a minimum three-day supply of nonperishable food and water at home. Now is the time to clean out and reorganize your pantry or garage and set up a shelving unit for emergency food storage. Categorize each rack with the essentials. When you are creating your food supply shopping list, it helps to think of the four food groups: Fruits and Vegetables (canned goods?), Grains (pasta, flour, rice), Meat and Fish (canned tuna or other fish and poulty?), and Dairy or Dairy Substitutes (boxed rice milk, etc). You want to make sure you have enough diversity of nutrients to keep you healthy in an emergency situation. And don’t forget the jugs of water!


55% of people surveyed believed local authorities would come to their rescue if disaster struck. Are you banking on first responders coming to save you? In the face of a widespread disaster, first responders are going to be spread pretty thin. It’s time get self-reliant. Read up on survivalism and check out our Survival 101 page for helpful tips and tricks.

Family Meeting Place

52% of people surveyed had not designated a family meeting place if they were separated during an emergency. This one is a simple conversation that can literally be done at the dinner table tonight. Don’t let this tiny detail slip away until it’s too late. Family is everything and you don’t want to leave your kids or spouse lost and confused as to where to go in a time of emergency.

Phone Numbers

42% of people surveyed did not know the phone numbers of all of their immediate family members. Time to sit down and play the memorization game. Or at least write the numbers down somewhere other than your iPhone contacts app!

Workplace Emergency Plan

21% of people surveyed didn’t know whether their workplace had an emergency preparedness plan. Ask your management about this one. Many workplaces do have one and just neglect to properly teach their employees about it. Maybe suggest an office training session, because you probably aren’t the only one who is unaware.

List of Medications

37% of people surveyed did not have a list of the drugs they were taking. Another quick and easy one. Just pull out a piece of paper and write them all down. Stick them in your nightstand drawer or somewhere secure that you will remember.

Insurance Documents

52% of people surveyed did not have copies of health insurance documents. Same spiel as the list of medications. Just make a copy and put it somewhere secure! Same goes for other vital documents like birth certificates and passports. Put them all in an “in case of emergency” envelope for quick and easy access in case you have to run.

Don’t wait any longer – Make sure you can check off every one of these emergency preparedness measures!

How many of these measures can you check off? Since you’re on this website, maybe a lot! But even so, there might be some you had missed. Either way, we hope that this article has reminded you of the importance of remaining vigilant and prepared. You never know when disaster may strike, and your choice to go to Nordstrom’s today and shop for survival essentials tomorrow could end up costing you in the long run!


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