Survival Packing: “Needs” vs. “Wants”


Survival packing kit

When the world is turned upside down and the struggle for life begins, what is considered frivolous, and what becomes essential? Survival packing is no easy task.  In such a stressful situation, you may feel tempted to bring along your massage chair and a big-screen TV, but those won’t offer much comfort when you are starving to death because you forwent the canned goods. The luxuries of life will be whittled down to essentially nothing.  Necessity trumps everything else, restricting our possessions to only the bare essentials.

Beyond the Basics – What Should Be On Your Survival Packing List?

Clean water for drinking and sanitzing

We’ve all heard the same three things: food, water, and shelter.  Yes, these are the core components and should be accounted for in any survival situation.  Remembering the bare necessities is easy,  but it’s the obscure essentials that are often overlooked- and usually, they are just as important when it comes to staying alive.

What about medications?

Medications are an important item on the survival packing list

There was a time when medicine was reserved only to treat illnesses and pain. Drug companies have since expanded into areas beyond conventional medical care, and when we are survival packing, we may need to make some cuts to medications we take on the daily. We all want the ultimate sexual experience, but will Viagra really be necessary when you are fending off a pack of hungry wolves?  The same can be said for Propecia (hair growth), Xenical (weight loss), and Botox (lip injections).  These are lifestyle drugs, but life will go on without them.

Consider the Life-Sustaining Medications

For individuals with specific medication requirements though, life can’t go on without them.  Diabetics need their insulin, just as heart patients need their beta-blockers, and kids with asthma need their inhalers.  If you take medications that are essential to your well-being, your first and foremost priority should be acquiring and stockpiling as much of those drugs as you can.

Decide What is Important and Vital in Your Survival Packing

Pile of medications

Your most valuable attribute is your health and you must maintain it.  Life without an espresso machine will go on, but many of the things we take for granted will become scarce commodities.  Common drugs like aspirin and Tylenol may still be abundant, but the special-order breathing treatment for your grandma might be tougher to acquire.  There will be no corner drug stores to conveniently purchase what you need, nor will there be professional advice available at the pharmacy counter.  Survival packing means concentrating on hard-to-find essentials and being mindful of the optionals.


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